Welcome to the homepage of Russ Thompson Racing (aka Statman)

As of the middle of 2015 my web site hopefully serves two purposes - as a home

to some photos taken either by me or friends through the years,

or as a home to some karting history - both magazine covers and Grand National race results.

There are some photos surrounding my years working in radio and television,

some photos from races at the Nashville Fairgrounds, Indy photos from the 1970's, 80's, and 90's,

and a some from the 1979 Long Beach GP.

Also, photos of the Hoover Motor Express under construction in Quinn Epperly's shop in 1959,

photos from the yearly IndyCar pre-season tests at Barber Motorpsorts Park,

some from the 2006 Nashville Firestone Indy 200, and the 2006 Sonoma IndyCar race.

I'm adding photos every now and then, so keep checking back! I'll highlight them with a "New" widget for awhile.

To view my blog on racing at the Nashville Fairgrounds, Click here

Select any of the following pages to view the photos or use the nav bar at the top of the page to jump to sections.

This page has photos from my years in the business, both radio and television.

Nashville Fairgrounds Hall of Fame
Track champions of the premier and main support divisions.
Additional track champions of the support divisions at the Nashville Fairgrounds through the years.
A list of races and winners for the Nashville Fairgrounds. The list is pretty comprehensive for 1958 - 2004

and there are random races from 2005 to current day.
Photos and results of individual races from the Nashville Fairgrounds
A page of random photos of some of the stars who have raced at Nashville's Fairgrounds through the years.
Also Fairgrounds related, here is a page with the covers of most of the souvenir programs.
Anyone who is a fan of racing at the Fairgrounds knows they produced some of the best programs ever!

A page dedicated to the all-too-short run of the former historic ballpark Sulphur Dell as a racetrack.

They only wound up running 10 main events (and had one rainout) before they pulled the plug on it.

I've listed all the race results I could find in the local papers. Some weeks we were lucky to get the

winner's name.

Twenty-six pages of photos (over 500) from short tracks all over the Southeast - dirt and asphalt.

From the late seventies and early eighties, including Huntsville, New Smyrna, Atomic, and others.
Or, if you don't want to go page by page, click the link below and get an automatic slide show of all 500+ photos.
Each link below takes you to a page of magazine covers for that specific publication.
Photos from other individual races.

Photos from the 1979 Long Beach Grand Prix. All photos by Lynn Haddock.
Photos from random years at the Long Beach Grand Prix. All photos by Lynn Haddock.
Photos from different years at the Long Beach Grand Prix. All photos by Gary Hartman.

Pages of photos from Indianapolis qualifying and some NTT IndyCar Series events from recent years.

Photos of the Hoover Motor Express Epperly roadster under construction

This page was last updated on 12/17/2024.